Nouns, noun expressions
an app (application), a busy signal (AmE)/an engaged tone (BrE) (the line is busy), a button, a charger, a conference call, coverage (area), earphones, hands free, a message, a missed call, nomophobia, a phone case, a ringtone, roaming, a screen, a SIM-card, a touch screen, a voice message, wi-fi hotspot
Verbs, verbal expressions
to call in sick, to charge a phone, to dial a number, to run out of charge, to swipe right/left, to switch the phone to a silent/vibrate mode, to text, to unlock a phone
Phrasal verbs
to break up, to call back (to return a call), to cut off, to get through to (to reach smb.), to hang up/get off , to hold on/hang on, to pick up (the phone), to plug in, to put through, to scroll down, to speak up
More terms
nomophobia (no mobile phone phobia), phubbing (phone + snubbing)
aamof – as a matter of fact
afaik – as far as I know
btw – by the way
b/c – because
cu – see you
fyi / jfyi -(just) for your information
hf – have fun
idk – I don’t know
imho – in my humble opinion
iow – in other words
lol – laughing out loud
dgmw – don’t get me wrong
mmw – mark my words
noyb – none of your business
nrn – no reply necessary
omg – oh my god
otoh – on the other hand
pov – point of view
sflr – sorry, for late reply
tbc – to be continued / to be confirmed
tia – thanks in advance
tgif – thanks god, its friday
thx tnx- thanks
tq – thank you
tyvm – thank you very much
tyt – take your time
ttyl -talk to you later
wth – what the hell
1. Match the expressions to the definitions (noun expressions)
1. a busy signal(AmE) or engaged tone (BrE) |
a) a piece of equipment you can use without using hands, e.g. earphones |
2. a conference call |
b) a place where one can get Internet access
3. hotspot or Wi-Fi hotspot |
c) a small plastic card that enables your phone to connect to the service provider |
4. a missed call |
d) a telephone call for a group of people |
5. a voice message |
e) a device for charging a battery |
6. hands-free |
f) a recording of a spoken message |
7. a charger |
g) the sound you hear if you dial a number that’s already being used |
8. a screen |
h) a program or piece of software designed to fulfil a particular purpose |
9. an application |
i) a call that wasn’t answered |
10. a SIM card |
j) a flat panel on which images and data are displayed |
2. Match the phrasal verbs to the definitions
1. to break up |
a) to reach sb on the phone |
2. to hang up/get off
b) to connect by the phone
3. to get through
c) to return a call |
4. to plug in
d) to move down the screen
5. to pick up
e) to connect to an electricity supply
6. to put through
f) to wait for a short time |
7. to scroll down
g) to accept a call
8. to call back
h) to speak louder |
9. to hold on
i) to finish a call
10. to speak up
j) to become inaudible over the phone because of interference |
3. Name the following items
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. Name the following verbs and verbal expressions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. Complete the sentences with the following noun expressions
Charger, roaming, connection, coverage, missed calls, a busy signal, screen, SIM-cards, ringtone, Wi-Fi hotspot, apps, conference call, voice messages, button, hands-free
- Tom’s always on the phone at lunch breaks, so I’ll get … if I call now.
- We’re having a … with my colleagues from Vienna this afternoon.
- There’s no Internet connection here but you can use a free … in a café nearby.
- I left my phone at home, so I got 7 … when I returned.
- I don’t like getting … because it’s not always convenient to check them.
- Do you have a… ? I left mine at home and I have only 12% battery left.
- My favourite … are Spotify and
- Why don’t you switch your phone to silent mode? The…’s too loud.
- Don’t talk on the phone while you’re driving! At least use…!
- My…’s broken. I can hardly see anything.
- I couldn’t make any calls from there – the … was awful.
- I can’t talk long in Malta. There’s ….
- The number you have dialed is switched off or out of the …. Please, leave a message after the beep.
- You can use 2 … at the same time with most modern phones.
- Press this … to make a print screen.
6. Complete the sentences with the following verbal expressions
hanging up, breaking up, dialed , pick up, called in, call back, putting… through, unlock, texting, scroll down, plug in
- Sorry, I’m busy now. I’ll … later.
- What’s the password to … your phone?
- I can’t always … the phone at work, so I prefer….
- I had a high temperature that day, so I … sick.
- You’re. Could you call back?
- – Can I speak to Mr. Gray? – I’m … you.
- She is always … without saying good-bye.
- When I … the number, it said it was non-existent.
- … to see the history of messages.
- I think the charger’s broken. I can’t …. the phone.
7. Correct the mistakes
1) I’ll call back you later.
2) Could you put me through with Mr. Collins?
3) You’re breaking on. Call me back.
4) Why didn’t you pick at the phone? I called a million times!
5) Will you text to me?
6) Yesterday I had a terrible headache, so I called sick.
7) Hold out, please, I have to open the door.
8) Can you speak upper? I can’t hear you!
9) Every time I call there’s a busy sign.
10) I got 5 abandoned calls from you! What happened?
8. Answer the questions.
1) How many hours during the day do you use your phone? Do you think you have a phone addiction/nomophobia?
2) Have you ever come across phubbing?
3) Do you prefer calling or texting?
4) What are your favoutite apps?
5) What’s you attitude to voice messages?
6) Do you sometimes switch your phone to silent mode?
7) Which ringtone do you use?
8) Do you use hands-free?
9) Have you ever called in sick?
10) Do you always call back?
Vocabulary with translation
Nouns, noun expressions
an app (application) – приложение
a busy signal (AmE)/an engaged tone (BrE) – сигнал «занято»
a button – кнопка
a charger – зарядное устройство
a conference call – конференц–звонок
coverage (area) – зона действия сети
earphones – наушники
hands-free – гарнитура
a message – сообщение
a missed call – пропущенный звонок
nomophobia (no mobile-phone phobia) — страх остаться без мобильного телефона или вдалеке от него
a phone case – чехол для телефона
a ringtone – мелодия звонка
roaming- роуминг
a screen – экран
a SIM-card – сим–карта
a touch screen – сенсорная панель
a voice message – голосовое сообщение
wi–fi hotspot – точка доступа вай-фай
Verbs, verbal expressions
to charge a phone – заряжать телефон
to dial a number – набирать номер
to phone in– позвонить на работу
to pick up the phone – взять трубку
to swipe right–left – провести вправо/влево
to switch the phone to silent/vibrate mode – перевести телефон на беззвучный/вибро– режим
to text – написать сообщение
to unlock a phone – разблокировать телефон
Phrasal verbs
to break up – прерываться (о связи)
to call back/ return a call – перезванивать
to cut off – отсоединять
to get through to (to reach smb.) – дозвониться
to hang up/get off – повесить трубку
to hold on/hang on – подождать на линии
to pick up the phone – взять трубку
to plug in– включать в розетку
to put through – соединять по телефону
to scroll down – пролистать вниз
to speak up – говорить громче
Links to related materials
1) Why are you so addicted to your smartphone?
2) Cell Phone Addiction/ Tanner Welton, Ted Talks
(first 5-7 minutes)
- Why did the sculpture by Sophie Ryder have to be moved?
- How many times per day do we check our devices, according to the statistics?
- What did the speaker do 2 years ago? What made her do it?
- What is the scientific explanation of the mobile phone addiction?
- What can help to get rid of the addiction?
4) Bad Cell Phone Etiquette? Modern Man’s Manners Guide
- Use a 10 foot buffer
- Avoid personal topics in public
- Be mindful of your tone
- Lose the bad ringtone
- Keep your phone on mute
- Protect your information (use vpn)
- Think before you text
- Ask before using speaker phone
- Don’t share without permission
- Don’t cast blame for a dropped call
- Don’t be a light house
- Don’t text and drive