1. Use the verbs in brackets in the right form (general use).
1) (Read) is my hobby.
2) I’m calling (tell) you the latest news.
3) It’s hard (learn) this poem by heart.
4) I’m thinking of (change) the job.
5) (Travel) can be great fun!
6) It’s so wonderful (see) you here.
7) After (meet) them I went straight home.
8) I dropped into the supermarket (get) some bread.
9) (Run) makes your muscles strong.
10) It’s funny (hear) you say this.
2. Put the verb into the right form (verbs + gerund or infinitive).
1) I love (make) plans.
2) He doesn’t mind (help) you.
3) I couldn’t help (cry) when I was watching this movie.
4) He plans (go) abroad.
5) I suggest (celebrate) the anniversary in that restaurant.
6) My friend avoids (go) to night clubs as it can be dangerous.
7) He chose (leave) as his stay would only make matters worse.
8) If you ask me, I recommend (wait) for the prices to go down.
9) We admit (skip) the lesson.
10) My sister and I look forward to (go) on holiday.
11) Do you mind (move) a bit?
12) I tried hard and finally managed (pass) the exam.
13) Do you imagine (lie) on the beach and (watch) the sunset? It will be amazing!
14) He offered (help) but we didn’t want to bother anyone.
15) The boy promised (not, shout) at the lessons anymore.
16) She seemed (be) very excited.
17) Sorry, I need (make) a call.
18) She was speaking so emotionally that I didn’t dare (interrupt) her.
19) We decided (spend) a week in the countryside.
20) What do you want (do) tonight?
3. Open the brackets putting the verb into the right form (with a change in meaning)
1) Don’t forget (buy) some milk.
2) I’ll never forget (take) a plane for the first time.
3) I remember (have) dinner at this restaurant before.
4) Sorry, I forgot (text) you!
5) Remember (bring) the test with you! It’s the last day to hand in.
go on
1) After leaving the company he went on (establish) his own business.
2) We went on (swim) until the sunset.
1) I hate (interrupt) people.
2) I hate (interrupt) you, but can I ask a question?
1) He’s very punctual and respectful. He likes (come) to meetings on time.
2) My mom likes (cook).
1) I meant (call) you but I totally forgot.
2) Living on you own means (take) a lot of responsibility.
1) The dress needs (wash).
2) All you need (do) is complete this form.
3) Do you want (go) out tonight?
4) This plant want (water) every day.
1) I regret (say) we cannot let you in.
2) She regrets (skip) so many classes.
1) Why don’t you try (talk) to her to make peace?
2) If it stops working, try (turn it off and on) again.
3) This year we’ll try (climb) that mountain.
4) Try (add) some lemon in it to give it more flavour.
4. Answer the questions and make sentences about yourself

1) Do you prefer skiing or skating?
2) Do you love jogging?
3) What do you plan to do this evening?
4) Would you like do give up any bad habit?
5) Do you often put off things until later? What have you recently put off?
6) Do you expect to achieve anything in the nearest future?
7) Have you managed to complete anything important recently?
8) What do you feel like doing tonight?
9) What does your job/do your studies involve?
10) When you promise to do something, do you always keep your promise?
Think of something…
1) You can’t help doing
2) You can’t stand doing at work/studies
3) You don’t mind doing about the house
4) You adore doing in your free time/ at work
5) You consider doing in the nearest future
6) You miss doing
7) You imagine doing in the nearest future
8) You decided to do a long time ago and still haven’t started
9) You want to do this week
10) You need to do this month