The gerund is used
- As a subject
Swimming is one of the safest sport.
- After prepositions
You should think before saying something.
- As an object after some verbs*
I love singing.
The infinitive is used
- After adjectives
It is great to see you here!
- To explain the purpose of an action
I’ve come here to tell you the truth.
- After some verbs**
I plan to move house soon.
*Verbs followed by the gerund (verbs in bold can be used in some other structures)
Adore, avoid, can’t stand/bear, consider, enjoy, fancy, finish, give up, hate, like, love, mind (= object to), miss, recommend, risk, start, suggest
**Verbs followed by the infinitive
Agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, fail, forget, help, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish
Verbs + Gerund/Infinitive
love/hate/can’t stand/like + Gerund/Infinitive
begin/start/continue + Gerund/Infinitive
Verbs normally followed by the gerund
1) Verbs of likes/dislikes (normally used with the gerund)
Like, dislike, hate, love, prefer, can’t stand/bear, (not) mind
Note: love/hate/can’t stand/like + Gerund/Infinitive
2) Verbs of starting/finishing an action (normally used with the gerund)
Start, finish, go on, carry on, continue
Note: begin/start/continue + Gerund/Infinitive
3) Some phrasal verbs (normally used with the gerund)
E.g. give up, put off